Print Basic Boiled Potatoes Recipe
Basic Boiled Potatoes
2 Pounds Potatoes
1 Unit Unsalted Butter melted (optional)
1 Unit Pepper to taste (optional)
1. If the potatoes are refrigerated, take them out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before you cook them.

2. Wash them under cold, running water, scrubbing off any dirt without breaking the skin, and put them in a large kettle that will easily hold all the potatoes.

3. Add enough water to cover them by about an inch.

4. Take the potatoes out, cover the kettle, and put it over medium-high heat.

5. When the water is nearly but not quite boiling, add the potatoes.

6. Now let the water come to a full, rolling boil.

7. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook at a bare simmer until they are tender.

8. It is impossible to give exact times; it can take from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the size and age of your potatoes.

9. Drain off all the water and let the potatoes sit, uncovered, in a warm place for about 5 minutes.

10. Have a heated bowl ready. Quickly peel the potatoes with your hands (don't use a knife or potato peeler), the skins will skip right off.

11. Put them in the bowl as they are peeled. Serve them tossed with melted butter, salt, and a liberal grinding of black pepper, if desired, or use as directed in other recipes.

12. NOTES : A side bar says: Start with good potatoes; The potatoes should be be same size (roughly).

13. Don't cut them to uniform size either, since this would expose the inner potato to water.

14. Resist the temptation to rinse the potatoes in cold water to speed the peeling.